Monday, August 27, 2012

" Instructional Planning and Unit plan"

These topics were very important to us, as we become teachers in the future. In this part we can learn on how to make instructional planning and unit plan. Instructional planning is a process that begins with objectives and defines strategies, policies and detailed plan to achieve the desired results while unit plan reflects long-ranged goals and are means of organizing various aspects of the course of the study and serves as a basis for developing a set of related daily teaching plans and educational activities.
Why they are important? They are important because it is a way of preparing the lessons/topics to be discussed in the class. All our activities and materials to be used are already planned and the only task of the teacher is to study and mastered the topics to be discussed day by day.
            In addition with that, we can prepare the students for the day’s activities because we have already organized the plan and activities. it is easy for us to teach because we already have this and as we entered into the classroom we had already mastered the lessons to be discussed and the materials and resources and activities that we should apply in our teaching.

"Funtions of Teaching"

As a teacher there are different functions and role that we should perform. One of their functions is that they should give attention to their students/ learners in a way of observing what are the factors that can distrust to their studies and also find a ways on how to solve it. Teachers should have a way of communication to the parents of the students especially elementary and high school to give some updates about the status/ behavior of their children. We should not take for granted the functions that we’ve learned because sooner we will apply these as we teach/share our knowledge to them.
            There are two types of learning the social learning and observational learning. We had experienced these two learning’s in which we can acquire learning’s out of it. Learners should have motivation into their selves in order for us to learn because without this attitude we can never learn.

We cannot control the realities that we will be teachers and as we teach we should not forgot the laws of learning because it is very important. Why? It is important because it serves as out instrument on how the learners/students can easily understand our discussion. It is also a technique in able the students to focus their attention on the teacher and they will not get bored with the teachers discussion

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

" Cognitive Learning"


            Learning easily takes place if we already had experience regarding that subject matter. Why? It’s because it is easily for us to recall and to apply it any time that we need it. This learning had already stored into our long term memory in result that can made us easily to remember.

                As the students/learners there are comprehension skills to develop in order us to be easy for us to acquire knowledge and learners. These are the Analysis, Focusing or Scanning, Comparative Analysis, Narrowing, Complex Cognitive, Sharpening and Tolerance. We should give importance and we should not take for granted these skills because it is our guide to become effective learners and if we can apply and integrate this into our lives. We can easily achieve the learning’s and knowledge that we’ve expected for.
As a teacher also, we must considered the things and factors that can be the effective way in order our students and learners can easily understand the lessons are easy for them to relate it into a real situation.
  And also the teachers to be more effective, we should need a positive and supportive climate because the teachers and the school are the great factor that the students/learners can easily learned. If we have good teacher but classroom are not comfortable, therefore the learning of students are not effective. Teachers and schools are partners to be effective in acquiring knowledge/learning.

"Principles of Learning"


          Motivation and Learning are interrelated with each other. Motivation is very important to each of us because of this we are motivated to live, to study and to acquire more learning’s in our daily lives. The struggles and trials that we’ve encountered are the reasons why we are disappointed and we felt to give up. When there are someone who shows concerns on us and give some motivations in oder for us to overcome those challenges and failures that can lead us to think positive in life and at the same time to be motivated in our actions.
                Motivations can be either extrinsic or intrinsic motivations. Even though we can encounter failures or even rewards in life is the way that can made us motivated that is what we called extrinsic motivation. When we say intrinsic motivations it is your desires to learn because we felt that it is worth knowing.
We already encounter and experience these 2 types of motivations that can made us inspired in our daily lives. It can’t deny the fact that sooner we will become teachers; therefore we should put into our heart and mind that motivation was the basic principle of teaching. And also we should take responsibility of the environment of the students and learners because it is one of the hindrances that they cannot learn. Be attentive enough to evaluate the things that can be obstacles in their studies.

Monday, August 20, 2012

" Learning goes on"

        Living in this world has a lot of experiences that lead for us to get more learning. As what have discussed by the reporter there are 3 characteristics of learning namely Learning is fundamental, learning is interactive and learning is fundamental. These three characteristics can made us to have full knowledge  and to have leanings because it is the guide on how individuals to learn. And we can acquire learning’s  by themselves, through others or even in the environment.

    These are factors that have great contribution into our learning. These factors can made us develop and in order for us to be motivated in our studies. if we will apply these I assure you that we can gain learning’s regarding the lessons that will be discussed or even our own experience. These factors also should take part in order to acquired learning’s. Our learning relies in each of us because we individuals have only the power to acquire our own learning. We can learn through others but if we are not motivated to learn then we cannot learn. Only our selves are the one  who can manipulate our learning’s.