Monday, August 27, 2012

" Instructional Planning and Unit plan"

These topics were very important to us, as we become teachers in the future. In this part we can learn on how to make instructional planning and unit plan. Instructional planning is a process that begins with objectives and defines strategies, policies and detailed plan to achieve the desired results while unit plan reflects long-ranged goals and are means of organizing various aspects of the course of the study and serves as a basis for developing a set of related daily teaching plans and educational activities.
Why they are important? They are important because it is a way of preparing the lessons/topics to be discussed in the class. All our activities and materials to be used are already planned and the only task of the teacher is to study and mastered the topics to be discussed day by day.
            In addition with that, we can prepare the students for the day’s activities because we have already organized the plan and activities. it is easy for us to teach because we already have this and as we entered into the classroom we had already mastered the lessons to be discussed and the materials and resources and activities that we should apply in our teaching.

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