Friday, October 12, 2012

"Methods of Teaching"

    This topic was reported by Mr. Junamel Nuñez. A method of teaching comprises the principles and methods used for instruction. The choice of teaching method, it always depends on the information that you will teach to them. The methods that are suitable to the lessons and also the method that we used to the learners that they can easily understand the lessons that we tackle.

    It has a great impact to the students if we can used the best method that in able the students to acquired learning’s and knowledge from the topic and the same time at the teachers. There are three methods that were reported these are the inductive method, deductive method and the project method. Inductive is defined from the specific to general while the deductive method is from the general to the specific. The project method is significant, practical unit of activity of a problematic nature, planned and carried to completion by the student in a nature manner and involving the use of physical materials to complete the unit of experience. The good example of this method was the science Investigatory project. It is a challenging on the part of the students because they are the one who will discover and find ways on how to find a solution on the specific problems.

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