Friday, October 12, 2012


What is more applicable to learn a lot a little or a little a lot? These questions that arise remind us what are the does and don’ts in having a demonstration.

In having demonstration we should not be hurry in presenting. Why? There is a tendency that the students cannot follow what you are talking about because you are too fast. The best thing for that was present it step by step and enough that the students can cope up. If you are too fast with your demonstration, you have a lot of topics that the students will be able to learn. But, you are too fast the learning’s of the students will be useless. It is what we called you have learned a lot a little.
Even though, the students can learn few topics but it is profitable because you have demonstrated it into a proper way. The students can master and they will be able to demonstrate and perform it all by their selves.
In addition with that as a teacher you should be aware of what is happening in your class. You should be a good observant and sensitive enough with the behavior and movements of your students. Always bear on your mind that your students/learners have zero knowledge and skill in what you have demonstrating in the class.

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